Saturday, 27 March 2010

A change is as good as a rest....

We are back from our family holiday.
This was not a 'put your feet up' kinda holiday.
There was swimming everyday, and lots
of walking through the beautiful Longleat woodland.
Plus two small children who decided to wake at
5.30am EVERY DAY!
But we had a great time, and I certainly feel refreshed
and ready to Spring clean and face the world again.

We also visited Bristol zoo and saw this lovely fellow
(Mr R's favourite)

This very cute little fellow (my favorite!)

And lots of beautiful butterflies (Imogen's favourite)

It is just as well I have refreshed my spirits.
Spring is the season of many birthdays in my family.
In April my little girl will be 5... I'm not too worried about
her celebrations as her knew Hello Kitty obsession
makes for an easy theme and gift solution!

Just 6 short days after her my baby will be 1!
Where has the year gone?

Monday, 1 March 2010

Ellie the Elephant

What happens when you take a photo through 'magic glasses'?
You get this very funky kaleidoscope effect!
It amused me for hours, I do love the simple things in life!

I have finished the elephant ordered by Imogen.
She has named her original.
This is better than naming it Imogen which is what she likes
to call most things at the moment. I cannot convince her
that variety is a good thing, especially with names.
Having various toys all called Imogen gets very confusing!

I am really enjoying crochet. I've got the hang of it now
and it's very satisfying. I think it's a lot better for toys
than knitting as the fabric is much denser. Having said that
I do have a special place in my heart for knitting!
The next thing I would like to try is squares,
if I can achieve something like this I will be very pleased.