Well in the name of learning the ropes I'm going to try linking. I'd like to mention some blogs that have kept me going, amused and inspired over the last couple of years. The great yarn harlot
has spurred my knitting obsession to new hights. Crazy Aunt Purl can always be relied on to make me laugh a lot! Wise Craft inspires me and makes me want to make quilts and do patchwork but I still haven't found the guts to cut up any fabric.....I've bought the stuff, I have countless books but just can't make that next step! I was very excited to find a fellow Brit when I came across Quilt While You're Still Ahead , I was starting to think that all the craftiness was across the pond!And Twelve22 just makes me hungry!!!!There are so many more that I could and should list. Maybe I'll work out how to do a side bar thingy.
Well, I think that'll do for starters. I shall endeavor to post regularly but I was always one of those kids who started a diary, kept it diligently for a few weeks then it all went down the pan so I'm not making any promises!Hopefully I will have a working camera again soon. Mine died,how sad, especially as we are getting kittens on Saturday and I will need to take lots of photos!!!Anyway, watch this space for kittens, knitting (I'm into dinosaurs, baby cardi's and Christmas decorations at the mo!)and general rambling!
1 comment:
very cute!
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