Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Halloween Happiness

Ever since I read Laura Ingalls Wilder books as a girl not only have a desperately wanted to go back in time to pioneering America but I've been intrigued by 'pumpkin pie'. We don't have it over here in Britain, at least I've never seen it. I think it's been about 18 years since I first read Little House in the Big Woods and today I made my first pumpkin pie!!It was so exciting and really yummy!

I got the recipe here, it was so easy, I'll be making it again for sure.

This is what happened to the rest of the pumpkin

The complete Halloween experience

Ahhh what fun. I love doing things with Imogen for the first time, this was her first pumpkin carving and the first time she'd seen The Nightmare Before Christmas, it's so much fun sharing her excitement!

Lastly, I can't decide whether or not to do the traditions exchange over at Montessori by Hand
I've never done an exchange before but watched them with interest...Ooooo I just don't know if I've got enough traditiony stuff to more knitting, it is tempting though.

Have a fantastic Halloween!


theresa said...

I love the little House Books and i reread them often! I have the whole collection in hardback. Lately I have certainly felt the pioneer with my cooking 24/7--I think that is the title of my next post!
Your Pumpkin pie looks good--I thought you had to use the stuff to carve through to make the pumpkin pie though! How did you manage to make a jack o lantern out of it?

Dagmar said...

Hello. I was always fascinated by Louisa May Alcott of Little Women fame.

She wrote the books to support her whole family, including her father.

Emma said...

Mmmm, pumpkin pie! I really wanted to make one, but where did you find pumpkin puree? Or did you just cook the pumpkin and then puree it?

Laura said...

In reply:I just cooked and mashed the pumpkin myself miss meep.
and yes theresa it was really hard keeping the pumpkin in one piece. I really should've bought two then I could've just chopped one up totally.Still, you live and learn